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Da Best Gallery

These individuals set the trend for new wave in music.  Their sound, look, lyrics and electricity on stage brought Rock to it's knees.

Our CEO M.Naja is in love with their message

and the first time she heard this song...

Her whole vision of life and humanity changed.

It's present in her work with us and her twisted personality.


We, Da Best Model Troupe of NVM Present...









The Photography of Artis Falls 

Models:  Da Best Model Troupe of NVM


MUA's M.Naja, Nechantenique & Trish McClure

Set & Costume Design - M.'s Impossible ReVAMP


This is in respect to our beloved friend who passed suddenly. 


"We love you.  We miss you.  You were our Lead Photographer from DAY ONE.  You will always be in our hearts."  M.Naja, 2013



*Click on the photo to be taken to our website gallery.

The Photography of Joshua R. Taylor

Owner of UNorthodox Productions

Newly Installed Lead Photographer for Da Best Model Troupe of NVM


MUA - M.'s Impossible ReVAMP


*Click on the photo to be taken to our website gallery.

The Photography of M.Naja of

M.'s Impossible ReVAMP


MUA - Set Design - Clothing Design

By M.Naja



Our CEO of Nocturnal Void Magazine wears many hats.  She writes for various magazines, does multi-media artwork and prides herself on only 'Natural Light Photography'.  Her definition:  "Natural Light Photography is a process where I refuse to use artifical light.  God's created a beautiful atmosphere for humanity for true reason.  The inner beauty of a subject has nothing to do with make up.  It has to do with what is captured within that individual spiritually.  Do I use make up as an enhancer?  Yes.  Been doing so since 2010 when Tricia McClure and I collaborated on accessing models for Da Best Model Troupe of NVM.  (Laughing.) I use body paint and various, high quality make up kits to bring out the vision I have for those particular subjects or projects.  Do I use artificial light at times?  Yes.  But my ultimate preference is Natural light."


*Click on the photo to be taken to her website gallery.

Julian N. Bowen of JNB Photography


This wonderfully talented  individual assisted Da Best Model Troupe of NVM with an Avant Garde Gothic Shoot with partner, entrepreneur and musical artist King Young Gwop of Hartford, Connecticut.  He showed us so much love that he even set us up with the amazing MUA talents of a woman named Amy Jambard who has done work with the phenomenal Alicia Keys!  


Showing our love here in our gallery, we want him to know how appreciative we are that he's allowed us the connection of sharing his partnerships, love and talents with us.


*Click on the photo to be taken to his website gallery.

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